Product Details

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Bazuka Treatment Gel 6g


Bazuka Treatment Gel for the treatment of verrucas and warts

  • SKU: 583
  • Category: Foot Care
  • Tags: Bazuka Treatment Gel 6g


What is Bazuka Treatment Gel?


Bazuka Treatment Gel is is a once daily treatment for verrucas and warts.


Designed to stop the spread of the verruca or wart infection and forms a water-resistent, protective barrier.


Warnings and Precautions:

  • Keep away from eyes, mucous membranes, cuts and grazes.

  • DO NOT USE on or near the face, neck, armpits, breasts, bottom or genitals, or by diabetics or individuals who suffer from poor blood circulation to the hands or feet.

  • DO NOT USE on birthmarks, moles, warts with hairs growing from them, or any other spots.

  • If in doubt about the diagnosis, or whether Bazuka Treatment Gel is appropriate, seek medical advice before use.

Speak to your GP or Pharmacist before use if:​

  • You have an underlying medical condition, are taking any other medication or complementary therapy, or if symptoms persist.

  • You are breast feeding, pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or suffer from allergies.


Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
Read the package leaflet before use.

Store in a cool, dry place which is below 25 degrees C. Store in original packaging and do not use if expiration date printed on the carton has passed.




Active ingredients: Salicylic Acid 12.0% w/w, Lactic Acid 4.0% w/w

Other ingredients: Camphor, Pyroxylin, Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate

How do I use Bazuka Treatment Gel?




Apply a thin layer (1 or 2 drops) of Bazuka Treatment Gel to the surface of the verruca, wart, corn or callus once every night, and allow to dry.


  • Be careful and minimise spreading onto surrounding skin as Bazuka Treatment Gel may cause irritation.
  • Discontinue use if excessive irritation occurs on or around treated area.

What are the side effects of Bazuka Treatment Gel?


Common side effects:

  • Skin irritation not present before use of this medicine (mild)

  • stinging


If you have any concerns with side effects after use you should call your GP or Pharmacist and stop use immediately.

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