Sea- Band is a wristband that relieves all kinds of nausea and vomiting. Whether caused by travel, pregnancy, anaesthesia or chemotherapy, this knitted, elasticated wristband works by acupressure. It has a plastic stud that applies pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on the wrist. The Sea-Band does not cause any side effects. You can wash the Sea-Band up to 5 times in a mild detergent in warm water without affecting its elasticity.
MORNING SICKNESS:For many pregnant women, morning sickness isn’t just confined to the morning. In some cases it can last all day – and range from feeling nauseous to regular vomiting. If you are suffering morning sickness or pregnancy sickness, Sea-Bands may help to reduce feelings of nausea and can help reduce vomiting too. Provides a natural relief to the symptoms for morning sickness because it is drug-free and there are no side effects to worry about.
The Sea-Band Mama! has been specially created to help soothe and calm your tummy during your pregnancy so that you can start enjoying this special time again. Sea-Band is a drug-free solution effective for most types of nausea. Completely natural, Sea-Band uses acupressure wristbands to gently restore balance to your body.
Sea-Bands is a knitted elasticated wristband that works because of a plastic knob sewn into the side of the inside of the wrist-band which exerts pressure and stimulates the P6, or Nei-Kuan, acupressure point. It was been proven that pressure on this point relieves nausea and vomiting. Sea-Bands work immediately and can be worn whenever you feel nauseous.
Sea-Bands are drug free with no side effects, clinically tested, used by doctors and hospitals, fast-acting, simple to use, able to be used over and over again, packaged in a small plastic case making them easy to keep with you at all times, and is sold in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Enjoy your pregnancy again with Sea-Band Mama!
Sea-Bands work immediately and can be worn whenever you feel nauseous. This product can be used continuously and has repeated multiple uses.
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