Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a condition affecting the movement of the jaw. It’s not usually serious and generally gets better on its own.
Signs of TMD include:
The pain may be worse when chewing and when you feel stressed.
TMD can also stop you getting a good night’s sleep.
There are some simple things you can do to try to reduce your jaw pain.
eat soft food, like pasta, omelettes and soup
take paracetamol or ibuprofen
hold ice packs or heat packs to the jaw, whichever feels better
massage the painful jaw muscles
try to find ways to relax
do not chew gum or pen tops
do not bite food with your front teeth
do not yawn too wide
do not bite your nails
do not clench your teeth – apart from when eating, your teeth should be apart
do not rest your chin on your hand
The GP may suggest:
They might suggest you see:
If these treatments do not help, you may be referred to a specialist in joint problems to discuss other options, such as painkilling injections or surgery.
TMD can be caused by:
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